Skin Rejuvenation
Everyone is looking for ways to turn back the clock. Ageing reaches us on multiple levels, but, most noticeably on the face, the part we see in the mirror and often use to judge our age, rightly or wrongly.
Not everyone is looking to run to the nearest clinic for a full surgical facelift under the knife, the cost and especially with our constant on-the-go lifestyles that don’t allow for any downtime, which could even be weeks.
Our new facial rejuvenation procedure could be the answer, surprisingly relaxing with results from the first session. A simple treatment in the salon by your trusted therapist, who knows you and your skin. Not only that with all our other treatments we can layer and tailor to create the perfect solution for you, your skin and your pocket!
So right now we have been trained exceptionally well and we are putting together our own portfolio to show you evidence of what WE can achieve in the Relaxation Centre.
If you are interested in learning more or would like to be in the first notified of our launch and introductory prices, please get in touch via email.